Monday, February 28, 2011

Deep Oceans to Sizzling Fire..... Spring

The beginning of this month finds us swimming 
in very deep water.  
Pisces, the last water sign of the old cycle, like all water signs is emotionally based.  It is also the last sign in the winter and corresponds to twelfth house energy.  It is a time to release old patterns in preparation for new energy that is coming in with the equinox.

If you are holding on to any old emotional baggage, it is time to release it.  You don’t want to be carrying into the new cycle.

You can’t swim through Aries, you have to be light and loose in the fire sign this year.

So, in preparation, the Universe has given you just the right energy to do Pisces in a big way, to let go of the little prisons you have made for your emotions and to really drop them off into a sea of transformation.

How is this done?  It starts with forgiveness.  It is not a confrontational forgiveness that just gets it going all over again in the same circles.  It is a personal forgiveness.  You just forgive the person who you see as causing the pain you are holding.  Then you release the energy.

This kind of forgiving allows you to let go of the patterns that have been holding you back, keeping you going into the attic of your soul and going through the old memory trunks that bring back the painful memories.

When you forgive, you very often have to take a good look and notice that the person you are forgiving was only being himself or herself as far as they knew how to be at the time.  You can’t be blaming someone for that.  So forgive them, forgive in your heart, don’t tell them, just feel the release.  Drop that old emotions into Pisces’s deep waters and let the water transform it.

You will often find that when you explore these areas, you realize that you could have done a bit better at the time too.  So forgive yourself.  For everyone you need to forgive, forgive yourself twice.  Just let it go.

And if you reel the need as you see things more clearly, go ahead and apologize of anyone who might be holding negative ideas of things you may have caused.  You didn’t know better then, but if you have learned, you can do this honestly.

When you know better, you do better.  

After the 21st, this month will shift abruptly and be all about doing.  You want to be light and loose going into it, because it I going to have a lot of energy and you’ll want to play with it.

This is about as far as I have ever written an astrology blog without mentioning which planets are where.  We start March with Sun, Mercury Mars and Uranus in Pisces.  This called a stellium, a concentration of planets in one sign.  It emphasizes the energy of the sign.

Mars is one of these planets; Mars is usually your power planet.  But fiery Mars kind sizzles and sparks in this much water, it can’t help you much. 

Mercury is about thought and communications. Here in this sign he thinking about feelings, he doesn’t do that often or very well. 

The Sun in there and always the energy of the chart, it can handle the water very well, but it won’t let you pretend that these emotions are not there, he makes you focus on it. 

Finally, thee is Uranus, powerful change and transformation!  Uranus has been hanging around here for years, he knows the place,  he has recently had a visit from Jupiter and Uranus now has a chance to proceed with knowledge of the change that is needed.  But Uranus is impatient.  He wants the change now, and this is his last pass in Pisces for about 160 years!  You will feel pushed to change this emotional area during the first two weeks of this month.

Still think you can hold out?  Well the moon joins all of this for three days on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th.  The Moon is all about emotion.  You might as well dive in, get this done and be ready for the changes later in the month because they are pretty intense.

Aries Comes IN, in a Big Way.

The Vernal Equinox, the first day of spring, little crocuses appearing, hints of warm breezes.  This year though, Yowzah!  There is a lot more energy than usual in this seasonal change! 

Remember Uranus, the one who likes to make changes fast, the one who takes no excuses and demands Change NOW?

Well he is entering Aries today with the energy of the SUN exactly with him.  The first degree of Aries is one of the most active in the Zodiac.  It is a birthing time for the year.  The zodiac’s Happy New Year without all the alcohol.

It is opening, trying new things (everything is new) being fearless.  Aries makes a motorcycle seem like a great idea, doesn’t mind trying a little mountain climbing even though it might still be a little slippery.

Jupiter, the Great Beneficent, is already there preparing the way with confidence and high expectations. And now it begins with the Sun and Uranus teaming up to begin the business of change.  Don’t hang on, go with it.  It is play time.

Don’t be afraid of change, unless your life is absolutely perfect, change is good news.  Even if you have been hunkering down like many have in this time of economic difficulty, it is time to get into action.  It doesn’t have to be pointed towards the practical this month; this is more of an unexpected breakthrough.

You don’t have to work with this kind of change, just join with it and play along, push through further when you see an opportunity.  Don’t be afraid of going too fast, don’t try to catch your balance, there is time for all of that later.

As we get to the end of the month, Mars is about to enter Aries too, its own sign.  The energy changes again.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February, a change in energy.

Talky dreamy friendly.

After a long January in Capricorn, February looks like a whole new thing, and most of us can use a new thing.

With seven planets in air signs, quick thinking and communications are highlighted. Venus and Jupiter are both in fire signs. Things are moving now, it is not just thinking it out, and there is an urge to be doing.

We start February with a new moon on the 3rd this one has Mars on it. It could have you making new plans for action, especially in the next couple of weeks. It might bring a new man into your life or magnify your own masculine side to make things happen.

On the fourth, Mercury moves into Aquarius and revs up your social side. But at the same time, that crescent moon is right on Neptune and that can bring dreams and these are very strong times to experience your own psychic side, feeling your feelings deeply and sensing other people’s, too. Pay attention to those little voices in your head at this time and stay clear.

You don’t want to do any kind of drug that is not absolutely necessary at this time, it will mess with you in unexpected ways.

Venus meets Pluto on the ninth and they are squaring Jupiter. This happens at about 3-9 degrees in Earth Signs or squares in Cardinals. If you have a chart check those degrees, the more exact it is the more likely it is to be an issue for you.

You will see transformations in relationships and deep but beneficial changes. It is a powerful and very positive, but don’t try to hold onto things as they have been when change like this is at hand or it can be difficult to navigate. The Moon trines here too, trines are good so it might help you with the emotional side of the issue.

Pluto has a “you can pay me now, or you can pay me later” quality that is way easier to deal with if you go with the flow.

Saturn is dancing in Libra at the moment, making that sign a bit tricky and not at all easy to deal with. Bumping along with responsibility and authority figures is tiring anywhere in mid Libra. But all this Aquarius energy this month might just lighten it up a bit.

And we have this year, one of the most interesting Valentine’s days I have seen in awhile.

The emotional Moon is trining all those Aquarius planets, one after the other with Neptune strongly in it at the moment. It will be fun, no doubt but it is probably not your best time to make commitments. Try to put them off until next month when you’ll all be in a better emotional spot than on Valentine’s Day. Play, have fun, talk and dance and dream, things that happen today might jut turn into something but not right now.
This is such a Neptuney month that I am going to add information about Neppie’s energy at the end of this. You need to know that this is why you are feeling kind of different with all of this.

On the 20th especially with Mars and Mercury both smack on Neptune at 28 degrees in Aquarius. Uranus, meanwhile, is at 28 degrees in Pisces. So this planet of change will be affecting all of this too, making it a time that would not be great to make big decisions or to try to think things through.

Just enjoy the trip for a bit. Toward the middle of March you will see things beginning to move along quickly and the things that are just a germ of an idea now will move along very quickly then.

Neptune is the energy of connection with the limitless state of the universal mind. Neptune eats away at ego perception. It defies logic and rational approaches. Neptune operates on a very subtle level. It is beneath the place where we keep our conscious awareness, beneath the area where we have words.

Neptune is often called a higher vibration of Venus. It is love beyond relationship, unconditional. Neptune doesn’t recognize conditions. It is inspiration as opposed to creativity.

Neptune always brings confusion to the rational process. There is no order to it. It works with the creative forces without a rational filter. When you think about it, you don’t have any idea where inspiration came from, it just came.

Musicians have strong Neptune placements. So do addicts.

Rudhyar says, "Every force which denies limitations and tends to make us whole, which saps the strength of a particular viewpoint and injects into it the fluid of unearthly desires; every agency which dissolves crystallization's and puts the lens of the ego out of focus, which stirs us with divine longings through days of second puberty and enravishes us away from family and home into the snow white peace of convents or to the living fermentation of the jungle, all belong to the Neptune symbol."

It is clear that the Neptune symbol is not the favorite energy of the social order or the rational mind. It is completely transcendent and while in Neptune's energy these things are insignificant and the individual floats above them.

In order to embrace Neptune energy, you must give yourself permission not to know. The position of the person seeking a vision quest is, I know nothing". So it is with Neptune.

When Neptune cycles come up in a person deeply rooted to a Saturn world, (social structure, rules, laws, rational order) It is the confusion that is most unsettling. When so much energy is based in structure and left brain activities, the right brain making known a larger awareness is not often welcomed.

Illumination is received holistically and as it tries to enter the perceptions which are carefully guarded by logic, the senses seem to be deceptive.

The relevance of Neptune effects are often discarded because it is not possible to apply them to the rational mind. Still under the surface of the most closely guarded ego, Neptune is working its wordless alchemy both in the highest connections of the soul and in the part of the brain so deep, it has no words. Change will happen. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, change will find its way into the rational mind.

During this process the rational mind will only find confusion and illusion. Still, it knows that something is changing, something over which it has no control, cannot describe. this can be very unsettling.

It is often a point when a person with a dim perception that it is time to open the limitations, will get involved with drugs. Drugs can give the illusion that barriers in the mind are broken. This thought is deceptive and can lead to addiction.

Under addictions, the perceptions might change, the limitations might be challenged but the holographic perceptions of a larger reality cannot be perceived. This is the reality Neptune would have you seek.

It is a strange land and cannot be seen through the filter of the known. It dissolves ego, to remove limitations and introduce the soul to a higher order of perception.

The effect being accomplished is a higher connection to the collective unconscious. With cooperation (allowing yourself not to know) it can become the connection with the God source.

Transcendent is the key word. The transcendence is beyond the personal, beyond the social, beyond anything the mind has perceived, out into the space where every quark is made of unconditional love and dimensional space does not exist and time is a whole new ball game.