Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pluto Transforms in Capricorn That Is Huge.

Pluto is the slowest  moving of the transformational planets. The area it is now transforming is the area of government, structures, business.  And it will do this while squaring Uranus in Aries.  That extra energy packs quite a punch.  So keep your eye on Pluto.

Pluto is the energy of death and rebirth. It is very powerful energy. In a birth chart, it operates as a generational energy. The Baby Boomers were the Pluto in Leo Generation, for instance and they make a lot of noise. The Pluto in Virgos went to "political correctness". The Pluto in Cancers were raised during the depression and WW II and were caretakers, etc.

Pluto can add a lot of power and depth in a natal chart according to aspects, in trines and sextiles, it operates often in positives as power and initiative. In hard aspect it often means a coming to terms in this life with life and death issues.

But it is in its transiting aspects that it affects us most profoundly:

When Pluto is in hard aspect, you are going to change and at very deep levels. When you decide not to change, this energy is perfectly capable of blowing your life into complete disorder and letting you sort it out: which you will do in a different way. After the Pluto passage, it will be clear you are not the same.

In a person who has experienced a lifetime of growth, the change will be most profound. It is an initiation into a higher level of life.

Pluto's nature is deep, it is the Goddess as crone. It forces you to look death right in the face. Death as a concept, death as the experience of loss,. Death as transcendence, Death as change of structure, all of these concepts and more can be experienced in a Pluto passage.

Think of Pluto as Kali, dancing on human bones because they don't matter, because we transcend our physicality and this is to be celebrated. Pluto is the initiation into this highest level of thought. This omelet must break some eggs.

If you are holding on to your old beliefs, your old baggage, transcendence is impossible, so Pluto tears them away. It breaks you down. It brings in your devils and any incomplete drama (you thought you didn't have to deal with this anymore, surprise!) It brings them right into your face and you can't move.

If you are proud of something, secure in something, take your identity from something that is the very thing Kali will take out, break, tear apart and dance on.

When you are on your knees. Really begging for help for the first time ever. When you acknowledge that your ego is gone and you are lost, bleeding and plead with Spirit to help you find a way to die or to live, it doesn't really matter anymore.

Right at that time, Kali turns to you in her mother face and takes you in her arms. She lets you heal. She opens doors. You can begin to rebuild. But you are never the same.

Pluto changes your soul. Life never looks the same again.

The deeper it goes, the more you are transformed. The more you lose, the stronger you recover.

You may need to change your friends after a Pluto passage. They expect you to go back to being the person they knew before now that the crisis is passed. You can never be that person again, you are deeply changed. It doesn’t even interest you. You begin to seek out people who know you as you have become rather than as you were.

More evolved people experience this passage harder. People still operating in the herd mentality may experience a divorce or a bankruptcy and hardly notice a deeper change.

People who can and do control these changes or those who use it as an excuse to see themselves as victims will not experience any growth again in this life. Unless they have the opportunity for still another hard Pluto passage, their lives are a series of repetitions awaiting death.

Pluto passages are 1-4 years long. They are deep level changes and they give you time to assimilate the changes.

Pluto squaring the position of your Natal Pluto is usually the hardest Pluto lesson we all must learn in this life. Pluto square or mid-life crisis is generational; you can expect many others in your age group are experiencing something similar.

Sign and house positions as well as natal aspects and other transits all have and help to pinpoint the area and the intensity of the Pluto passage.

As they do in any planetary influence.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Saturn in Virgo Has Been a Bit Harsh, In Libra We Will See More Balance.

The big bugaboo Saturn, father of limitations, keeper of the RULES, people dread the Saturn effect. Everything that has been easy for you doesn't work here. This is where flow hits the wall.

Saturn is all the patterns and structures that our parents, our education, our society and our government heap on us. It is an absolutely necessary part of our lives, especially as we are growing up and becoming socialized.

But we have to socialize, bend to the will of the larger order. Saturn is the Planet we can count on to help us do that.

I once heard an architect say “What we draw are the walls, but the walls are not as important as the space inside them where we move around.” Saturn is the walls.

It is your father, your third grade teacher, the judge. All of the little limitations that people in charge have whispered to you since you were little.

And it is often those same limitations that have kept you safe, and let you feel protected.

Without Saturn we would have no houses because they need walls. They define and protect. And sometimes they get into your way.

Sometimes that feeling of the limitations getting into your way define that you have grown. But you still have to resolve the structures you have come to live within.

Saturn can be very difficult. It can also be a refuge.

Saturn is a planet that needs to be looked at carefully. Its placement in your chart and its aspects to other planets, as well as transits, tell a lot about how you will deal with this energy.

Saturn passages can stabilize or can force you to confront your limitations. Sometimes they make you so stable you don’t feel like yourself. Sometimes just seeing where the limits have been put into your head will help you to get on past them.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Uranus and Jupiter, an Energy Combination Aries Will Stir Up and Enjoy!

The energy of last week's eclipse shows up with the combined energies of Uranus and Jupiter right at the beginning of Aries.  I thought a quick review of these two planets might be helpful.  So here they are:

Explosive change is the nature of Uranus.

Uranus brings freedom, releases the individual from the social consensus, ready or not. Are you too attached to something? A structure, a person, an idea Uranus will blow it away.

Uranus's mission is to take you beyond the mundane. It is not patient. It makes you release all your preconceptions any way it has to. Then it brings new things in to consider.

Unique, unusual experiences and people follow Uranus, conditions cannot remain the same. Try something different.

People very often move across the country during a Uranus passage. Or form relationships with people from different countries or cultures. They don't just change jobs; they try a whole different career. A sudden yen to ski the big ones or jump out of airplanes is typical Uranian action.

Uranus passages should be periods when you go with the flow of change. Any attempt to control the changes that come up at this time will cause the energy to build up behind and explode. You still make the change, but there is a lot of rubble and shock to deal with.

The larger purpose of Uranus is to blow you out from any confining structure. It lets you take a larger look at your life, your choices and your ideas.

There is a lot of " You can pay me now or you can pay me later" in Uranus.

Natal Uranus in your chart indicates areas of excitement, great energy and risk taking. The place where you won't do it like everybody else.

Mercury going by your Uranus position may cause you to blow up at someone verbally. You just can't seem to control your mouth. If you are over the top with patience, Look out you will let go at this time.

When Mars and Uranus have a hard transit, be careful, accidents can happen. There is impatience and a tendency to move fast at this time and it can get out of hand.

Uranus with Mars in a woman’s chart can have her falling in love with someone she would have said was completely not her type at another time in her life. Often there is a different culture involved, or an age difference.

Uranus is exciting and adventurous. But, if you like security and predictability they will are always be challenged by this energy. Enjoy the ride.

The big planet makes things bigger and usually better. This is the planet you think of when you think of good fortune. It is growthful, expansive and ultimately healing. Jupiter is good at opening doors but it is best if you are there knocking.

Jupiter is about growth, the real thing not just money falling on you. Jupiter will light a path toward growth in the social aspects of our life, career, money, enjoyment. It will put flashing lights along the path, but if you go in the other direction, oh well.

To get the most out of a Jupiter passage, you want to have a plan to get to your bliss. You need to be aiming for the real thing; that thing that will make you happy to get out of bed every morning to do it.

Be ready to take your first step toward your dreams as Jupiter begins its influence and you will be flown right along it. People will cooperate with you, opportunities will present themselves. Jupiter is doing it’s thing. Remember though, you must believe it can be done.

Jupiter works with positives. It draws them in. It expands their potential. Its influence is lost if you are living in negative beliefs.

Jupiter’s nature with negative beliefs is to expand them so they are big enough that you can see them. This is no fun. But Jupiter heals in this way. It makes things so big you can't ignore them and then provides solutions. But you have the responsibility to know them when you see them.

Jupiter can do emotional healing in this way, too. It just expands the issue to the point where you must address it get by it, get through it and heal. When you move with this energy, solutions will be provided.

Jupiter is an indicator for luck. It does not indicate a lottery win.

But, to have it be lucky, you must get into the energy of the thing. The spirit of Jupiter is growthful and to get its benefits, you will find it best to want growth and be ready to accept it. The more you embrace it, the luckier it gets. If you ignore it and just keep moving along in the old way, you will have a pleasant couple of days, but nothing spectacular.

To understand the potential of a Jupiter passage, you must consider the energy of the other planet(s) in the passage as well as the signs and houses that influence its area of operation.

The biggest problem with the positive potential of a Jupiter passage is the expectation that it will fall on you without requiring your participation. It may lighten your mood or give you a few good days, but if you are not participating in its energy, Jupiter can’t do its job. It’s job is to make your life better.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our Time to Shine

We are feeling the squeeze now.  We have known for years, if we are astrologers that this is coming.  If we are light workers, we have been assured that it would come. Now it is upon us and it is getting really hard to navigate the energies.
So what is needed is to raise our energies.  When I say "stay out of the muck", this is what I am saying.   Keep the chakras clear and bubbling.  Keep the white light around you like a cloak, let it flow out to the world around you,.   Radiate your positive energy.
Stay away from all the negative messaging, it is merely the end of the old structures.  Keep the pressure on to have them held accountable, but don't muck around in their methods.
I am finding it helpful to look to both ancient mysteries and to the opening of information about new dimensions and parallel universes.
Little things I have seen lately are point to new awareness, at the moment it is coming from everywhere.
Deepak Chopra's assurance that consciousness is non locational, reminded me of how large we all can be if we get a bit higher and not so dependent on the physical body or location.
But that's just one of many new ideas out there.  if they help me make my soul larger, I keep them , if they diminish  my own knowing, I let them go, or toss them decisively out.
No matter which Light work areas you have followed up to now, you will find that they all lead to the center..  Keep your mind open to new messages, because the key may come from unexpected places.  Your inner listening will tell you whether to believe them or not.  
A lot of aspiring light workers are going to come out now with some half baked ideas.  This is because they can't stop clinging to their old paradigm.  Be gentle with them and bring them to love. 
There is a lot of power behind the level of change we have been hoping for and it is right now, and for years. This is our time. Come on out and play!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The US Chart at the Eclipse.

The first thing I notice when I pull up the USA chart, is that most of the planets are in water and air.  With Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in Cancer, water is our most comfortable energy.  The Cardinal Grand Cross begins to put a lot of stress there.  Especially on Venus and Jupiter.
it is interesting that this occurs just as we are having the the biggest pollution event in the Gulf of Mexico. Neptune is on the US Moon in Aquarius during this time too, more water energy in an air sign.  perhaps that is where we look for the pollutants that are in the air there.
"The escape of other poisonous gases associated with an underground methane bubble -- such as hydrogen sulfide, benzene and methylene chloride -- have also been found. Recently, the EPA measured hydrogen sulfide at more than 1,000 parts per billion (ppb) -- well above the normal 5 to 10 ppb. Some benzene levels were measured near the Gulf of Mexico in the range of 3,000 to 4,000 ppb -- up from the normal 0 to 4 ppb. Benzene gas is water soluble and is a carcinogen at levels of 1,000 ppb according to the EPA. Upon using a GPS and depth finder system, experts have discovered a large gas bubble, 15 to 20 miles wide and tens of feet high, under the ocean floor. These bubbles are common. Some even believe that the rapid release of similar bubbles may have caused the sinking of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle."

It is interesting that on the day there is also Mercury on Mars and transiting Mars is squaring the US Uranus just as a General's spouting off against civilian leadership was being published. Which caused me to take a look at Obama's chart and see Mars on his Natal Pluto.He'll fire the guy. This is about civilian control and respect for the office of the President, kind of Plutonian energy. Saturn has been up against his mars since the election and it is off now.  He is feeling freer.

Obama himself might have a problem with a woman in his life this next week, with his Venus hitting the whole energy of this eclipse.  

The US chart is showing a lot of energy on the lunar eclipse.  This whole period in the next few years all the way to the Pluto return in the 2020' ripe with transformation.  

Transformation can often begin with dissatisfaction with the present energies.  That is, no doubt what Uranus and Jupiter will begin to provide. at the moment.

I was surprised to see that the progressed US chart shows most planets in air and water again.  They are mostly out of the way of the energies of the Cardinal Cross.  This is good, we don't need that.  It will also show me whether the transiting or the progressed charts show me more about political world.

Now the next Lunar eclipse is half a degree from the Capricorn ingress December 21. There is a big stellium right with it, split between Sagittarius and Capricorn. The eclipse is on the US Saturn return widely squaring it., another element indicating a big transition. And it squares the US Sun to give it all a bit more oomph.  Do we NEED more oomph?  Then the Solar eclipse on January 4 gets us a T-square, opposing US Sun with a Saturn return at the point.  
The USofA is going through quite a time.  This is how we change and grow. And growth and change are ultimately good, but they require a lot of energy.  And you can be sure that they wil be opposed by the people in power now, especially in the banks and corporations.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tune in tomorrow.....

I had every intention of writing about the US chart in the midst of the Cardinal pile-up. Then the pile-up piled up on me.

With Jupiter and Uranus at the exact end of my 12th house. My energy just folded. They have been making me do a lot more lately, but today I hit the wall.

I need to save my energy though because, they will be dancing on my ascendant soon, and no doubt life will require a lot. And I am no puppy.

So I've been hanging with Sage, my wolf companion. And looking at the US chart. There is a lot there, but it will be tomorrow before I get to it. Tune in.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Dance Begins in Earnest

Well today's the day! The Cardinal Grand Cross that really marks the beginning of an amazing dance of the Stars. Certain aspects of this have happened before every two hundred years or so.
That is Uranus and Jupiter in Aries. It is a time of brilliant, Earth changing inventions and ideas. I expect the same and more from this one, there is a lot of support for a huge level of change.
We will begin to see some of those by the end of the year as on December 21sh we have another lunar eclipse Making a Tee-square to the two planets just as the personal planets are all, one after another making conjunctions to Pluto and squaring Uranus and Jupiter. Transformation should begin to be evident. But it will still be rocking and rolling. You have to kind of get your sea legs with this energy because it will go on for a long time.
The other thing that happens every two hundred and forty years is Pluto's transit to Capricorn.
That one is an end to systems, government, social orders, all of those issues that have organized groups of people and have worn out their welcome. American Revolution, French Revolution, Renaissance, they all have their beginnings when Pluto transforms Capricorn.
And here we go again. These systems do not go down easily, so expect a lot of resistance from the powers in power. But they have to go and Pluto is just at the very beginning of a long visit to Capricorn.
The only thing that makes me kind of nervous at the moment is Uranus backing into Pisces at the end of August. I don't want that explosive puppy anywhere near the water at the moment.
Jupiter joins it there in September and the energy gets bigger and hopefully better.
But just now the Sun is in Cancer, summer has begun at 104 degrees, Tony Bordain is on the television and the Sun is in Cancer, I am getting hungry. The state of Arizona is hoping for a monsoon, soon.

Cardinals at the Eclipse….and a Comet!

We have been experiencing the beginning energies of the Cardinal Grand Cross for a few weeks now. How do you like it so far?

We can see the energy heating up. The BP oil spill, is Uranus’s parting gift to Pisces. Add the monetary troubles in Europe. And the banking bill in the US is getting tighter with more restrictions on financial structure as Pluto in Capricorn begins to transform systems.

There have been many, many low level earthquakes shaking in Southern California and Northern Mexico.

I am becoming more and more convinced that Hades is mixed up in this as I watch the oil spill evolve into a more and more serious threat, to a larger and larger part of the planet. Really nasty chemicals are blowing around in major concentrations. People along the gulf coast are getting sick. Sulfurous odor, it sounds like Hades in all its mythos. And Hades is creeping up to the Cardinal Point, at the time of the Eclipse it will be less than a degree from Cancer.

The Cardinal Cross begins in earnest with the Sun’s ingress into Cancer, squaring Jupiter and Uranus in Aries, opposing Pluto in Capricorn, squaring Saturn, still in Virgo, but direct and 2 degrees from Libra’s Cardinal point.

We must pay attention and act when it can help, but to just holding on to anger and rage and fear only gives the powers who are being restructured by this energy more fuel.

In order to be restructured, they need to fall apart. This will make a lot of noise, and be met with stronger and stronger efforts by the people on top to hold their power. It will take a constant and focused push. But you are seeing that with earth changes, chemicals and oil in the water.

Anger and rage will get us off focus. The negative emotions going off here and there will just give them more determination to hold their power. But mother Earth is transforming and the power will not survive in the way it has been.

Pluto in Capricorn is going to restructure government and businesses. That is what it does. Look at its last transit to Capricorn, the downfall of monarchies. The previous Capricorn passage marked the Renaissance.

Uranus makes this happen faster, more intensely. Jupiter makes things bigger, but generally more beneficial. Saturn is structures, buildings, laws, rules, schools, businesses, etc. 911 happened with a Pluto/Saturn opposition. Squares are a little more intense.

The restructuring has a long time to complete since it needs to go deep. The really intense planets are the outers, because they move so slowly they allow a complete transformation.

In one way or another, all of the slow moving planets are in this summer’s astrology, and all in a very intense way. The Cardinal axis is the strongest area of the Zodiac. It is where the energy begins to make things happen. The Grand Cross is an astrological event of immense power.


And that would be enough for most centuries. But in this one we have a lunar eclipse right on the Grand Cross, this is on June 26th. (Do you think somebody is trying to tell us something?) Eclipses nail down energy for months for sure and certain points can resonate for years with transits to that point, the Cardinal point.

There are two new energies to that point with this eclipse. The Moon is directly on Pluto, and Mercury has joined the Sun. That includes them into the mix for any of the eclipse transits coming up.

The moon brings deep emotion and Mercury adds logic, communications and speed. The two are opposing, as they often are in life, but they are both being influenced by Pluto which can transform their energies and squared by Uranus and Jupiter which can add an immediate shot of expansive energy to facilitate this transformation.

So, as an eclipse, this remarkable energy will continue for some time. Things will not just calm down after awhile, and go back to normal. We are restructuring. We are creating a new normal.

Just at the eclipse on the 25th, Moon/Pluto is sextiling Neptune which is trining the planets and Uranians that conjunct Sun, Hades and Posiedon. This energy could be very positive if we can stay with the very spiritual and positive energies of Neptune, adding Posiedon’s intuition Hades depth and Appolon’s perceptions forming a Grand trine.

It is a good time to start a meditation practice, to get above the negative emotions that will be unleashed as things get more intense.

Just in case you think this might all be a coincidence and not terribly important, there is a comet in it. This comet is 1 degree from the Cardinal axis at the eclipse. In old astrology, a comet used to signify the death of kings. I have heard that the y bode no good, but the most intense comet in years, brought me a granddaughter, so I can’t complain. Another one removed a boyfriend who had overstayed his welcome, so they have pretty much worked for me personally.

When this grand cross begins to look like it is dissipating, we will begin a long dance between Uranus and Pluto, the two planets that brought us the sixties. And they did that in gentle little Virgo. This time they do their paso dobles, in Aries and Capricorn. This is no boogie. And it goes on for years.


Now an interesting thing happens when I add the ladies, the asteroids with feminine energy and, of course, Lilith. With those additions, the chart lights up with trines and sextiles.

Clearly these asteroids have been placed to help us see a way through these challenges.

Ceres: The great mother, or the principle of unconditional love. Ceres

Pallas Athene: The warrior queen, the principle of creative intelligence and wisdom.

Juno: The divine consort, or the principle of relatedness.

Vesta: The eternal flame, which burns forever in the hearth.

Lilith: dark feminine energy, the shadow.

These are just a quick definition of the asteroid’s characteristics, to understand them more completely do some googling and find a few different descriptions of each one.

These energies are flowing with more ease at this eclipse. They can be used to help navigate this difficult terrain.


Two things will help here. The ability to create and visualize the kind of Earth we want to see beyond this time. It is a time for massive creativity and new ideas. This is not just the old system coming down; it begins the rise of the new. And we can begin to create that.

We can all speculate which things will cause what changes. But those of us who can stay out of fear and anger can use that energy to create the place we want to live in.

You now find that you are privileged to live in a time that will change the structures we know forever. No one but those of us who live in this time and this place can make these changes. These fears of destruction are unfounded, there will be destruction so that we can rebuild to a better system.

You were born into this time for a reason. We are all in a much bigger way, co-creators of the future. The changes that we will see, we will all help create. This is not a thing that is happening to you to make your life difficult. It is happening to give you a canvas unto which you can design your new Earth.

Stay in the light.

If you are a light worker, this is your time.

The Cardinal Aspect of the Coming Cardinal Pile Up.

At the end of this month, Saturn is going to enter a Cardinal sign, Libra. Pluto is already in a Cardinal Sign, Capricorn. We should see the energy begin to shift rather soon. Until now we have had a lot of mutable energy. Mutable energy reacts. Cardinal energy initiates. It is quite a shift.

If you are tired of all the energy around winging, (whining) and ready to see some actual movement, you will like this change. If you are a little afraid of any quick action, it could throw you. So begin to get prepared.

On June 6, Jupiter and Uranus enter Aries together, this completes the Cardinal pile up of the outer, Social and slower moving planets.

Only Neptune stays behind in Aquarius, a fixed sign. I like it there during this time because it opens a channel to the spiritual in a really culturally creative place. We can use that energy.

The solstice that year gives us a Cardinal grand cross. It puts a planet within a narrow 5 degree orb from the 0 point in each Cardinal sign.

As I was writing this, I took a little break to the patio and saw a Cardinal at the bird feeder. Spirit seems to be with me in the writing.

During the time of the Cardinal signs, you should see a lot of things get moving. But this is not subtle background motion, its way more in your face. So begin to polish your spiritual armor a bit. This won’t be passive aggressive energy.

It could be the end of political correctness. Don’t let it throw you. It will allow you to express yourself more directly without tip toeing around trying not to offend anyone. For some of us it will be a blessed relief. For others (I’m talking to you water signs) It could be jarring.

Remember the white light, blow it out around you daily, at least until you get used to the new energy. You can also put it around your house and your car and your pets, whatever feels a bit threatened.

If you are really freaking, try wearing a black tourmaline crystal on a chain that puts it between your heart and your solar plexus. It keeps negative energy away. When I find myself surrounded by the negative vibes, I always wear it and it helps amazingly well.

Let me know if you need it and can’t find it, I can get it for you very inexpensively.Edit Pages

You are liable to notice this energy coming at you before you notice that you are carrying it. And trying to make the adjustment can be a bit of a bumpy ride.

But the energy will let us begin to move, to make changes, to become.

This is a good time to begin to DO things you have been putting off. Wonderful things can be begun. The energy is with us to create. Neptune in Aquarius can become more than a dream now.

It is almost here... The Cardinal Grand Cross

Here we go. The Cardinal Grand Cross is upon us. Uranus and Jupiter are conjunct in Pisces. Pisces province is water and oil, Uranus just leaving Pisces brings an energy of explosion, Jupiter makes it bigger. And this is just the energy of the mutable houses that only react to circumstances.

Next week Uranus enters Aries. Aries is all about getting moving, action; it’s going to be a summer to remember. Jupiter is only one degree behind, on June 6, Jupiter enters Aries, right on top of Uranus. Major action, enthusiasm, high energy here, it is higher than we have seen in years. It will be the sixties on steroids before we get through it. But it begins with action, ideas, originality.

We will probably see new inventions that change everything. Perhaps a new power source, something unique for certain. And its ability to really change our lives is here too.

But this is not all that is going on now. Saturn opposes Uranus and Jupiter. Saturn is the energy of systems, hierarchies; Uranus and Jupiter are powerful change agents when working together. We have been seeing this in politics. Constant challenges to whatever order is in power.

Add to this the energy of Pluto in Capricorn. Capricorn is the seat of Hierarchies and Social structure, ruled by Saturn so it has a lot of the same energy. Pluto is deep transformation. Pluto’s last trip through Capricorn brought us the American Revolution.

Now we have four of the most powerful planets in the Zodiac at right angles to each other, powerful energies all working together all with different but intense energies.

Enter the Sun. On June 21, The Sun enters Cancer forming a perfect square to the outer planets. This completes the setup for action.

These planets will push things toward change and transformation, they will challenge systems, they will transform structures. Expect many areas that are considered “just the way thing are” to be toppled, then transformed to a better energy.

Transformation takes some time to go deeply. This will not happen overnight. This is just the beginning, in one way or another this kind of energy will go on for years.

One place where it will be felt the most will be in the feel of the new energy. For most of my life, we have had outer planets in mutable signs when they have been active. But now they are all moving into Cardinal signs. The difference? Mutable reacts, Cardinal acts.

Cardinal energy is very direct, there is a lot of action, and new things begin. To many of us, this is going to feel really good. Finally, we can get moving, speak our piece. The unfortunate part is that everyone will be doing it at once.

The things I am describing are of a general overall look at the start of this energy. It will affect each of you differently according to your own personal planetary placements.

The last time we had placements close to this was during the sixties. Some people remember the sixties as a big party, some remember the protests, some only recall the assassinations. But when it was finished, the world would never be the same again.

As we head into this time, we will find the same outcome, how we choose to ride through it is up to each of us.

It is a good time to get to know your chart and see how it will be operating in your own life.

Light workers prepare, this is our time.


The Cardinal Aspect of the Coming Cardinal Pile Up.

At the end of this month, Saturn is going to enter a Cardinal sign, Libra. Pluto is already in a Cardinal Sign, Capricorn. We should see the energy begin to shift rather soon. Until now we have had a lot of mutable energy. Mutable energy reacts. Cardinal energy initiates. It is quite a shift.

If you are tired of all the energy around winging, (whining) and ready to see some actual movement, you will like this change. If you are a little afraid of any quick action, it could throw you. So begin to get prepared.

On June 6 next year, Jupiter and Uranus enter Aries together, this completes the Cardinal pile up of the outer, Social and slower moving planets.

Only Neptune stays behind in Aquarius, a fixed sign. I like it there during this time because it opens a channel to the spiritual in a really culturally creative place. We can use that energy.

The solstice that year gives us a Cardinal grand cross. It puts a planet within a narrow 5 degree orb from the 0 point in each Cardinal sign.

As I was writing this, I took a little break to the patio and saw a Cardinal at the bird feeder. Spirit seems to be with me in the writing.

During the time of the Cardinal signs, you should see a lot of things get moving. But this is not subtle background motion, its way more in your face. So begin to polish your spiritual armor a bit. This won’t be passive aggressive energy.

It could be the end of political correctness. Don’t let it throw you. It will allow you to express yourself more directly without tip toeing around trying not to offend anyone. For some of us it will be a blessed relief. For others (I’m talking to you water signs) It could be jarring.

Remember the white light, blow it out around you daily, at least until you get used to the new energy. You can also put it around your house and your car and your pets, whatever feels a bit threatened.

If you are really freaking, try wearing a black tourmaline crystal on a chain that puts it between your heart and your solar plexus. It keeps negative energy away. When I find myself surrounded by the negative vibes, I always wear it and it helps amazingly well.

Let me know if you need it and can’t find it, I can get it for you very inexpensively.

You are liable to notice this energy coming at you before you notice that you are carrying it. And trying to make the adjustment can be a bit of a bumpy ride.

But the energy will let us begin to move, to make changes, to become.

This is a good time to begin to DO things you have been putting off. Wonderful things can be begun. The energy is with us to create. Neptune in Aquarius can become more than a dream now.

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These two stay right together in early Aries until late July, they are still within three degrees but Uranus has gone retro and it is beginning to separate the conjunction. Then Jupiter goes retrograde on the 23rd and they head back toward Pisces. They stay really close until the Pisces conjunction on the 18th of September. It will be quite a summer.

Uranus wants transformation and it wants it NOW. Jupiter expands the energy around it and well, we know Aries. They meet again at 27 Pisces in January. This Pisces energy after the start in Aries indicates to me that there is some cleaning up , clearing of long held energy that needs to be worked through before we get to the real work of making things happen. It may look like a false start, but it isn't. It just begins so strongly that it needs to clean up a bit before going on.

Pisces has the energy of Karma around it. It is often a last passage in a karmic phase, in our current school of study in a series of lives. It is beyond the social and still of the broader energy of the collective. So a back and forth from Pisces to Aries and back indicates a serious clean-up and new beginning. The retrograde back in this area is beyond the energy changes of other signs.

It is the old year and the new. It is the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. It is a very powerful point.

The energy in Pisces with Aries energy is to inwardly prepare ourselves for change.

August 21, 2010 has Saturn in the mix squaring Pluto, opposing Jupiter and bringing Uranus into the orb, Hades just hanging out at the square.. That could be quite a day. It brings structure back into the mix exactly, with enough transformation to really smite a thing or two that needs smiting. It is quite close to the 9/11 energy.

Once Jupiter heads back into Aries, in
January 2011, Jupiter and Uranus are still only three degrees apart which is generally considered a narrow orb and still a conjunction. In March, all of the personal planets go through Pisces and on the 11th Uranus heads back into Aries. At this point, the two planets have a ten degree separation.

Now all those Pisces planets are heading into Aries. On April 3rd Mars Conjuncts Uranus and Sun Conjuncts Jupiter on the 6th, Mercury is retrograde and hits the Sun/Jupiter spot on the 9th. By the 22nd Venus conjuncts Uranus at 2 degrees Aries and all of the personal planets except the Sun are in Aries. The Moon comes along in a few days on the 29th. The moon is coming up to new on the 2nd; I hope things are pretty well underway because with all that Aries energy and a
dark moon, it could be monumentally frustrating.

The exact
Pluto square Uranus is on June 11, 2012 to the degree if not the minute at 8 Aries. September 19th sees another square at 6 Aries. May 20th 2013 shows another at 11 Cap/Aries. Oct 17, 2013 at 9 Cap/Aries. April 21,2014 13 degrees. This goes on until at least 2015.

Now let’s look at the Pluto in Cap/ Uranus in Aries energy. Capricorn is a group dynamic, the clan, the tribe the tribal leader, it is ruled by Saturn, structures and hierarchies. It is being transformed by Pluto's passage. The last time this happened was the
American Revolution, the French Revolution and the beginnings of the end of Kings rule of nations all over the western world. It was an Earth changing time, just Pluto in Capricorn.

Uranus in Aries is sudden change in the sign of DOING IT. At exact square we could see more of a change than at any time in the past. I have been all over the ancient Ephemerides looking for the same energy. Pluto is in cap every 240 years. Uranus goes through Aries every complete orbit too, but I haven't seen, at any time in human history, these two at this particular square.

This is new country. It will be different from any energy we have experienced before. It has to change things dramatically in the social order. We won't be finished with it after 2015, but we will be done with the beginning of it.

It will be personal, it will be collective. It will be about how we structure our thinking and creativity and about how we feel about things. This time is HUGE.

As the new order is being created, we need to remember our Neptunian vision of the new world we need to live in. So start creating now. That's what this Aquarian vision is for and we are in it.

Blessings on us all