it is interesting that this occurs just as we are having the the biggest pollution event in the Gulf of Mexico. Neptune is on the US Moon in Aquarius during this time too, more water energy in an air sign. perhaps that is where we look for the pollutants that are in the air there.
"The escape of other poisonous gases associated with an underground methane bubble -- such as hydrogen sulfide, benzene and methylene chloride -- have also been found. Recently, the EPA measured hydrogen sulfide at more than 1,000 parts per billion (ppb) -- well above the normal 5 to 10 ppb. Some benzene levels were measured near the Gulf of Mexico in the range of 3,000 to 4,000 ppb -- up from the normal 0 to 4 ppb. Benzene gas is water soluble and is a carcinogen at levels of 1,000 ppb according to the EPA. Upon using a GPS and depth finder system, experts have discovered a large gas bubble, 15 to 20 miles wide and tens of feet high, under the ocean floor. These bubbles are common. Some even believe that the rapid release of similar bubbles may have caused the sinking of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle."
Obama himself might have a problem with a woman in his life this next week, with his Venus hitting the whole energy of this eclipse.
The US chart is showing a lot of energy on the lunar eclipse. This whole period in the next few years all the way to the Pluto return in the 2020' ripe with transformation.
Transformation can often begin with dissatisfaction with the present energies. That is, no doubt what Uranus and Jupiter will begin to provide. at the moment.
I was surprised to see that the progressed US chart shows most planets in air and water again. They are mostly out of the way of the energies of the Cardinal Cross. This is good, we don't need that. It will also show me whether the transiting or the progressed charts show me more about political world.
Now the next Lunar eclipse is half a degree from the Capricorn ingress December 21. There is a big stellium right with it, split between Sagittarius and Capricorn. The eclipse is on the US Saturn return widely squaring it., another element indicating a big transition. And it squares the US Sun to give it all a bit more oomph. Do we NEED more oomph? Then the Solar eclipse on January 4 gets us a T-square, opposing US Sun with a Saturn return at the point.
The USofA is going through quite a time. This is how we change and grow. And growth and change are ultimately good, but they require a lot of energy. And you can be sure that they wil be opposed by the people in power now, especially in the banks and corporations.
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