Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cardinals at the Eclipse….and a Comet!

We have been experiencing the beginning energies of the Cardinal Grand Cross for a few weeks now. How do you like it so far?

We can see the energy heating up. The BP oil spill, is Uranus’s parting gift to Pisces. Add the monetary troubles in Europe. And the banking bill in the US is getting tighter with more restrictions on financial structure as Pluto in Capricorn begins to transform systems.

There have been many, many low level earthquakes shaking in Southern California and Northern Mexico.

I am becoming more and more convinced that Hades is mixed up in this as I watch the oil spill evolve into a more and more serious threat, to a larger and larger part of the planet. Really nasty chemicals are blowing around in major concentrations. People along the gulf coast are getting sick. Sulfurous odor, it sounds like Hades in all its mythos. And Hades is creeping up to the Cardinal Point, at the time of the Eclipse it will be less than a degree from Cancer.

The Cardinal Cross begins in earnest with the Sun’s ingress into Cancer, squaring Jupiter and Uranus in Aries, opposing Pluto in Capricorn, squaring Saturn, still in Virgo, but direct and 2 degrees from Libra’s Cardinal point.

We must pay attention and act when it can help, but to just holding on to anger and rage and fear only gives the powers who are being restructured by this energy more fuel.

In order to be restructured, they need to fall apart. This will make a lot of noise, and be met with stronger and stronger efforts by the people on top to hold their power. It will take a constant and focused push. But you are seeing that with earth changes, chemicals and oil in the water.

Anger and rage will get us off focus. The negative emotions going off here and there will just give them more determination to hold their power. But mother Earth is transforming and the power will not survive in the way it has been.

Pluto in Capricorn is going to restructure government and businesses. That is what it does. Look at its last transit to Capricorn, the downfall of monarchies. The previous Capricorn passage marked the Renaissance.

Uranus makes this happen faster, more intensely. Jupiter makes things bigger, but generally more beneficial. Saturn is structures, buildings, laws, rules, schools, businesses, etc. 911 happened with a Pluto/Saturn opposition. Squares are a little more intense.

The restructuring has a long time to complete since it needs to go deep. The really intense planets are the outers, because they move so slowly they allow a complete transformation.

In one way or another, all of the slow moving planets are in this summer’s astrology, and all in a very intense way. The Cardinal axis is the strongest area of the Zodiac. It is where the energy begins to make things happen. The Grand Cross is an astrological event of immense power.


And that would be enough for most centuries. But in this one we have a lunar eclipse right on the Grand Cross, this is on June 26th. (Do you think somebody is trying to tell us something?) Eclipses nail down energy for months for sure and certain points can resonate for years with transits to that point, the Cardinal point.

There are two new energies to that point with this eclipse. The Moon is directly on Pluto, and Mercury has joined the Sun. That includes them into the mix for any of the eclipse transits coming up.

The moon brings deep emotion and Mercury adds logic, communications and speed. The two are opposing, as they often are in life, but they are both being influenced by Pluto which can transform their energies and squared by Uranus and Jupiter which can add an immediate shot of expansive energy to facilitate this transformation.

So, as an eclipse, this remarkable energy will continue for some time. Things will not just calm down after awhile, and go back to normal. We are restructuring. We are creating a new normal.

Just at the eclipse on the 25th, Moon/Pluto is sextiling Neptune which is trining the planets and Uranians that conjunct Sun, Hades and Posiedon. This energy could be very positive if we can stay with the very spiritual and positive energies of Neptune, adding Posiedon’s intuition Hades depth and Appolon’s perceptions forming a Grand trine.

It is a good time to start a meditation practice, to get above the negative emotions that will be unleashed as things get more intense.

Just in case you think this might all be a coincidence and not terribly important, there is a comet in it. This comet is 1 degree from the Cardinal axis at the eclipse. In old astrology, a comet used to signify the death of kings. I have heard that the y bode no good, but the most intense comet in years, brought me a granddaughter, so I can’t complain. Another one removed a boyfriend who had overstayed his welcome, so they have pretty much worked for me personally.

When this grand cross begins to look like it is dissipating, we will begin a long dance between Uranus and Pluto, the two planets that brought us the sixties. And they did that in gentle little Virgo. This time they do their paso dobles, in Aries and Capricorn. This is no boogie. And it goes on for years.


Now an interesting thing happens when I add the ladies, the asteroids with feminine energy and, of course, Lilith. With those additions, the chart lights up with trines and sextiles.

Clearly these asteroids have been placed to help us see a way through these challenges.

Ceres: The great mother, or the principle of unconditional love. Ceres

Pallas Athene: The warrior queen, the principle of creative intelligence and wisdom.

Juno: The divine consort, or the principle of relatedness.

Vesta: The eternal flame, which burns forever in the hearth.

Lilith: dark feminine energy, the shadow.

These are just a quick definition of the asteroid’s characteristics, to understand them more completely do some googling and find a few different descriptions of each one.

These energies are flowing with more ease at this eclipse. They can be used to help navigate this difficult terrain.


Two things will help here. The ability to create and visualize the kind of Earth we want to see beyond this time. It is a time for massive creativity and new ideas. This is not just the old system coming down; it begins the rise of the new. And we can begin to create that.

We can all speculate which things will cause what changes. But those of us who can stay out of fear and anger can use that energy to create the place we want to live in.

You now find that you are privileged to live in a time that will change the structures we know forever. No one but those of us who live in this time and this place can make these changes. These fears of destruction are unfounded, there will be destruction so that we can rebuild to a better system.

You were born into this time for a reason. We are all in a much bigger way, co-creators of the future. The changes that we will see, we will all help create. This is not a thing that is happening to you to make your life difficult. It is happening to give you a canvas unto which you can design your new Earth.

Stay in the light.

If you are a light worker, this is your time.


  1. Thanks Terra, this is wonderful information. Happy Solstice and much love to you and yours. Yamile

  2. Oh, Terra...I have bookmarked to keep me straight and to return to and study to memory...You are one smart cookie! With my love and peace, Paula
