Thursday, July 15, 2010

Neptune Revisited

After last night's blog, I thought perhaps I should just review Neptune energy.  Since it is so prominent in my chart just now and I'll be dealing with it again for some time.

Neptune is the energy of connection with the limitless state of the universal mind. Neptune eats away at ego perception. It defies logic and rational approaches. Neptune operates on a very subtle level. It is beneath the place where we keep our conscious awareness, beneath the area where we have words.

Neptune is often called a higher vibration of Venus. It is love beyond relationship, unconditional. Neptune doesn’t recognize conditions. It is inspiration as opposed to creativity.

Neptune always brings confusion to the rational process. There is no order to it. It works with the creative forces without a rational filter. When you think about it, you don’t have any idea where inspiration came from, it just came.

Musicians have strong Neptune placements. So do addicts.

Rudhyar says, "Every force which denies limitations and tends to make us whole, which saps the strength of a particular viewpoint and injects into it the fluid of unearthly desires; every agency which dissolves crystallization's and puts the lens of the ego out of focus, which stirs us with divine longings through days of second puberty and enravishes us away from family and home into the snow white peace of convents or to the living fermentation of the jungle, all belong to the Neptune symbol."

It is clear that the Neptune symbol is not the favorite energy of the social order or the rational mind. It is completely transcendent and while in Neptune's energy these things are insignificant and the individual floats above them.

In order to embrace Neptune energy, you must give yourself permission not to know. The position of the person seeking a vision quest is, I know nothing". So it is with Neptune.

When Neptune cycles come up in a person deeply rooted to a Saturn world, (social structure, rules, laws, rational order) It is the confusion that is most unsettling. When so much energy is based in structure and left brain activities, the right brain making known a larger awareness is not often welcomed.

Illumination is received holistically and as it tries to enter the perceptions which are carefully guarded by logic, the senses seem to be deceptive.

The relevance of Neptune effects are often discarded because it is not possible to apply them to the rational mind. Still under the surface of the most closely guarded ego, Neptune is working its wordless alchemy both in the highest connections of the soul and in the part of the brain so deep, it has no words. Change will happen. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, change will find its way into the rational mind.

During this process the rational mind will only find confusion and illusion. Still, it knows that something is changing, something over which it has no control, cannot describe. this can be very unsettling.

It is often a point when a person with a dim perception that it is time to open the limitations, will get involved with drugs. Drugs can give the illusion that barriers in the mind are broken. This thought is deceptive and can lead to addiction.

Under addictions, the perceptions might change, the limitations might be challenged but the holographic perceptions of a larger reality cannot be perceived. This is the reality Neptune would have you seek.

It is a strange land and cannot be seen through the filter of the known. It dissolves ego, to remove limitations and introduce the soul to a higher order of perception.

The effect being accomplished is a higher connection to the collective unconscious. With cooperation (allowing yourself not to know) it can become the connection with the God source.

Transcendent is the key word. The transcendence is beyond the personal, beyond the social, beyond anything the mind has perceived, out into the space where every quark is made of unconditional love and dimensional space does not exist and time is a whole new ball game.

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